La Pavoni Professional Lever PL Espresso Machine

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Sorry! Out of Stock. 15/10/2021

  • First sold in 1950 the La Pavoni Europiccola has been beloved ever since. But not only has the popularity of the Europiccola itself been long lasting, but each individual unit has been built to last decades with its pared back mechanics and manually activated lever operation.

    The Europiccola is not necessarily the machine for lovers of modern-day convenience, but if above all else you value the process of brewing espresso and the artisanal quality of directly expressing a shot by hand it could be the right machine for you, and maybe your Grandchildren too.

    • Dimensions 20cm x 29cm x 32 cm
    • Net weight 6kg
    • Boiler Capacity 1.6L
    • Colour / Finish Chrome, Black Bakelite Plastic
    • Power 950w / 220-240v
    • Warranty 12-month, return to base

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