OneCup Coffee Bags | Colombia El Mirador (Washed)

6 x 13g Coffee Bags | NET 78g

Ripe apricot, juicy, honey. Extremely sweet and elegant, refined fruit, perfectly balanced.


In Stock, shipping within 24 hours.

  • Organic
  • Grown Under
  • Selective
    Hand Picking
  • Glyphosate

  • Enjoy cafe-quality coffee at home in the time it takes to boil a kettle. OneCup is a convenient single serve coffee bag using the world’s finest coffees, roasted fresh in Melbourne. Each pack contains 6 individually packaged, nitrogen-flushed coffee bags.

    This Chiroso microlot is one of the most delightful filter coffees we have tasted this year. Anaerobically fermented in full-fruit for 26 hours, followed by a further 30-hour mucilage ferment, this lot expresses intense ripe stone fruit notes thanks to the rare Chiroso variety and accentuated by the precise processing method Don Victor employed here.

    We’ve done the hard work. All you need is your favourite mug and hot water.

  • 1. Add coffee bag to mug and fill half way with hot water.

    2. Agitate for 10 seconds and add the remainder of water.

    3. Steep until desired strength reached (3-5 minutes). For a stronger result, leave the bag in for longer.


Victor Gutierrez is one of Tolima's leading processing and cultivation experts, passing on his knowledge to the next generation.

    Anaerobic Washed
    1,730 masl

Finca El Mirador was founded in 1972 by Victor’s parents, Jose Elicio and Luz Elida Gutierrez, who began cultivating traditional Colombian varieties with the hope of establishing a stable source of income during the tumultuous civil war that engulfed Tolima from the early 70s onwards. Founded at a mild – by Tolima standards – 1500 to 1700 masl, in a rugged area outside the community of San Agustin, Finca El Mirador has consistently produced high quality coffees for decades. In 2010, Don Victor took over the farm and began to push coffee qualities higher and ever higher. After obtaining Q-Grader certification, Don Victor turned his cupping and quality lab (code-named ViCafe83) into a central point for coffee quality training and assessment in the region. He is actively training younger members of the coffee community to cup, assess and process coffees in order to gain higher scores and hence higher prices for their lots.

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